Number Link Game Cheats

Main island

Pick up the note in front of the planetarium. As you explore the island, you'll find that there are 8 marker switches in total: Pier - Giant gears - Planetarium - Spaceship - Mall with small pool and pillars - Brick building - Wooden shack - Clock tower Turn each marker switch on (up) as you get to it. Worry about the clock tower marker later.

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In the pier, there is an entrance to an underground room. Go to the projector, and turn it off by pressing the big button at the bottom. Turn around. You'll notice a piece of paper on the wall to the left. Press the green button on the upper left corner, which will reveal a hidden Control Panel. Enter the number of switches '08', and press the button to close the panel. Turn back to the projector, push the button, and watch the man's message to Catherine.

In the library, each wall contains interesting items. Give the blue and red pages to the corresponding books. Each brother wants more pages. Read the 4 legible books in the bookcase. You can ignore the book with the weird squares in it, you'll deal with it later. Jot down any interesting diagrams from the others on your notebook.

Look at the map next to the entrance. Each of the marker switches in the island lights one specific group of buildings in the map. Grab the tower and rotate it until it flashes red, then stop. There are 4 'red' positions, each one of them corresponding to where one of the 4 available link books is hidden (ship, giant tree, gears, spaceship). The paintings next to the bookcase open and close the secret passageway behind it. Go to the elevator, close the door, and press the button to go into the tower. If you rotated the tower correctly, the ladder with the 'book' on it should show you where the book is hidden, while the ladder with the 'key' should lead you to the clue to the puzzle that lets you get the book.

Ship: Go to the planetarium, turn the lights off (the switch is next to the door), sit down on the chair, and click the Control Panel. Set each of the dates from the clue (Oct 11, 1984 10:04AM, Jan 17, 1207 5:46AM , and Nov 23, 9791 6:57 PM), and map the constellation shown to one of the constellations in the Stoneship book. Go to the pillars at the mall, and click the appropriate symbols (leaf, snake, and bug). The book is in the now resurfaced ship.

Tree: Go to the wooden house, and enter the combination for the safe next to the door (7,2,4). Open the safe, get the match, and light it with the matchbox. Turn around and light the pilot light below the boiler. Turn the gas wheel up (green icon). Wait until the thumping sound stops, then turn the wheel down (red icon), and QUICKLY get out of the house and into the tree to the right of it (see library map for location) before the 'elevator' in the tree goes underground. If you can't do it that quickly, don't turn the gas completly off. The book is down beneath the tree. If you went up in the elevator, press the white button to your left. That releases the steam and drops the tree down to the underground level.

Gears: Go to the clock house, enter 2:40 into the clock using the wheels, then press the button. Go into the clock, and use the levers to set the wheels to 2,2,1. HOLD either front lever down to rotate the middle wheel only. Click the vertical lever to your right to reset the puzzle. The book is in the giant gears close to the pier.

Spaceship: Go to the brick building, set the generators to send exactly 59 volts out (buttons 1,2,3,6,7,8 and 10 should do nicely. The numbering order is on the wall as you leave the control room. To figure out which button has which voltage, hit them one at a time). If you go over 59 volts, you will blow a fuse. There are two electric towers to climb, one next to the brick building, one clearly visible close to the spaceship, click down the breaker switches. Then enter the spaceship. Play the notes from the Selenitic Age book in the organ, and set the same notes in the controls of the ship. If you're tone deaf, count number of notes from the bottom. (8, 20, 23, 13, and 6, respectively, including the bottom as one). Press the button and the book appears before you.

Stoneship age

Number Link Game Cheats

Go to the other half of the ship, up the stairs and look through the telescope. Find where the lighthouse is. 135 degrees.

Go to the umbrella and push the rightmost button to drain the lighthouse. Go to the basement and drain the chest by opening and closing the valve at the bottom. Go back to the umbrella and let the lighthouse fill up again. Unlock the now floating chest, get the key, and open the lighthouse. Crank up the generator and power the battery. Note that the battery is slightly discharging, so move quickly! If the lights go out, go to the generator and crank it up some more.

Go to the umbrella, press the middle button to drain the rock and go inside. Go down the tunnel, find the page for either of the brothers, and explore a bit. You should find half of an important note in the map drawer in Achenar's room (that's the messy room). The entire note is given below.

Go back to the red-lined 'panel' in one of the walls. Inside, you'll find a compass rose, like in the Stoneship book. Push the 'SE' button (the clue is 135 degrees, found with the telescope) to turn on the submersible's lights.

Drain the ship with the leftmost button and go in. Click the desk in the lower level, and the book leading back to Myst will pop up.

Selenitic age

Find the 5 microphones (Water, Fire(thunder), Clock, Crystal (flute), Wind), and turn each on. You'll also find the red and blue pages at the 'Crystal' and 'Water' microphones, respectively.

Go to the microwave tower through the Wind tunnel, and aim each of the five dishes in the right direction (use sounds, icons, and places as a guide. The coordinate numbers are Water:153.4, Fire: 130.3, Clock: 55.6, Crystal: 15.0, and Wind: 212.2). Push the sigma button. This gives you the sound sequence to open the door near the spaceship. (Crystal, Water, Wind, Fire, Clock) Go on in, get in the underground craft and press forward. At each station, listen for a sound which will indicate direction. If you miss it, press the button on the speaker. The sounds are 'plink' for north, 'Bloooop' for W, 'Plonk' for S, and 'Shhhh' for E (these sound names are approximations, so give us a break) Combinations of these sounds indicate NE, SW, etc. The sequence of directions to get to the Myst book is: N,W,N,E,E,S,S,W,SW,W,NW,NE,N,SE. Get out, and find the Myst book.

Mechanical age

The pages for the brothers are in secret rooms accessible from their chambers. Explore next to the 'throne' in each room.

Go to the 'tube', and press the button in the hallway. The floor will reveal a lower room. Go down there, and rotate the tube until the red icon shows. Careful not to let the tube rotate past the red icon!

Go back out, and you'll see that the tube held an elevator. Press the wall button again to close the floor, and enter the elevator. Press the up button, then press the 'middle' button and exit the lift before it goes down. The building rotation controls are above the elevator.

Enter the rotation controls and rotate the tower to the other two islands. They have the symbols for the control next to where you entered the Age. (symbols below) Use the simulator in Achenar's room to practice how to rotate the tower. The method we used was: Put the left lever up one notch. Hold the right lever up for about 7 seconds. Let go of the right lever, then quickly put the left lever back down. Practice on the simulator until you get the timing right, because you won't be able to see the orientation of the tower, some motion in the gears. Once the tower stops, it'll make a sound for each of the four compass directions, the same sounds as for the selenetic age, above.

The Control Panel next to where you entered opens the room where the Myst link book is. The symbols are: 1) an O with the bottom cut out. 2) point down triangle, rectangle, point up triangle. 3) circle over three triangles 4) left half circle, filled in. These are easier to spot than it sounds.

WARNING: A bug in the game as released won't let you go to the island with the last two codes. Get the fix from

Channelwood age

Go to the windmill and turn the water on with the faucet on the floor. The pull down lever is a red herring. Go back down and use the 'switches' in the pipeline to control the water flow to the first elevator. (Not the one next to the staircase!) Climb in, close the door, and use the lever to go up.

Up there, find the control to open/close the staircase. Go to the staircase, climb down, open the door, and use the pipeline switches to send water to the generator next to it. Climb backup the stairs, and use the elevator there.

Find the rooms for both brothers (and Achenar's 'temple'), their pages are there. In Sirrus' room (the nice room), find the other half of that note you found in the Stoneship Age.

Use the switches to turn on the lonely-looking generator close to where you entered the world. Turn it on, and watch the catwalk appear from the waters. Walk to the other side, down the other walkway, and find the crank to extend the pipeline back to the main line. Use the switches to turn on the elevator there, and climb up to find the Myst book.

If you're having some trouble figuring out where the water is going in the pipelines, listen as you walk past them. If you can't hear the noise of water, this section of the pipeline has no water. Also, you could trace the water from the windmill, checking every Y junction as you pass.

Endgame and Dunny age

When you return four pages to either brother, he'll give you the same info: go to the library, pick the right-end book in the center shelf, and look up diagram 158. Go to the chimney, press the button, enter the diagram below on the plate, press the button again. You'll see the green book (the Dunny Age), the blue page, and the red page. Diagram 158 (click where there are Xes):


There are 4 endings:
- give the last blue page (Achenar traps you)
- give the last red page (Sirrus traps you)
- go to Dunny without the white page (your own stupidity traps you)
- go to Dunny with the white page. Dad goes back, destroys both books, congratulates you, and asks you to stick around for further adventures.

The white page is in the vault. To get to the vault, follow the directions in the two halves of the note '|' is the note break, the first half is in Stoneship, the second half is in Channelwood.

Number Link Game Cheats

“Are you tired of all false claims & no real information about Kahoot Cheats, Kahoot Hacks, Game Pins & Codes? So was I. Now, Learn to create, hack or cheat your Kahoot in 3 minutes”

Today, while looking at a few sites which are related to Kahoot platform I was surprised to see how a remarkable number of people had interest in Kahoot cheats, Kahoot hacks, game pins and Kahoot codes.

So I decided to conduct a full research on the Kahoot hacks by going through all the related websites and YouTube videos and write a comprehensive guide to fully explain the techniques used and how effective they are.

This article will offer you quick assistance and after reading it you will fully understand, what is Kahoot, how it works, how to hack Kahoot and how you can generate Kahoot cheats and hacks, so keep reading till the end.

Today, our studies have witnessed a change to the objective tests as compared to the past decades when we used to answer our tests with the help of pens and papers and took hours to answer the subjective questions.

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Due to the advancement in technology these objective papers have even moved a step forward by creation of user friendly online platforms which can be used by the teachers to create digital question papers.

Kahoots are used to provide the students an interesting game like experience for taking their tests so they can comfortably answer their questions without the stress of the exam environment.

Kahoot has a very user friendly, updated and beautiful interface which is quite helpful to the students in releasing the exam stress faced by them.

Each question has 2 to 4 possible answers and the student has to select the correct one, questions are usually associated with pictures or short videos thus making the Kahoot even interesting. There is usually a time limit for each answer ranging from 2 seconds to 2 minutes.

Creating a Kahoot and its working is quite simple, you can visit the official Kahoot site and there is a “Sign Up” button at the top right corner to create an account free.

Registration is very simple and after you have registered your account, you can create a Kahoot and choose the configurations according to your preferences, which will customize the way how these Quizzes are presented to your students.

After this you will receive a Kahoot ID and username which you will give to your students so they can visit the site and answer the questions.

They also have a mobile app for both apple and android users, so it is considerably easier for the students to answer the quizzes. Here is the link to the Kahoot mobile app

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Knowing about the working of a Kahoot will help you utilize the Kahoot cheats in a better fashion when you need them.

A Kahoot is remarkably easy and straightforward to create and it won’t take much time either, that’s what the beauty of using a Kahoot rather than mark all the test papers manually.

Create A Kahoot Using

Simply follow the points below and you are good to go:

1. Visit the official Kahoot website for creating a Kahoot.

2. At the top right corner of the homepage of the website, there is a red “Sign Up” button, click on this button and let the page load.

3. On the next page you will get 4 options to choose from, if you are teacher select the “As A Teacher” option otherwise select your relevant option from the 4 i.e. As a teacher, as a student, socially or at work.

4. After choosing the correct option why you want to use Kahoot you have the option to login from a Google account or use your email, if you want to use your email ID, please fill in the required information and proceed.

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5. Now add the basic information that you are asked about, it will be the questions in the image below so it’s no big deal.

6. The above steps will take you directly to your newly created Kahoot account, you are already logged in and able to create a new Kahoot.

7. Click on the “New” button on the left corner to create a new Kahoot.

8. Now from the types of the Kahoot you have to choose the required ones, the options are a Quiz, a Survey and a Discussion. I am creating a quiz here, but all the others will also follow the same instructions.

9. Fill in the quiz form with your questions one by one and you have created your first quiz.

hooray, we have created our first Kahoot in no time just as I told you it’s quite straightforward :)

Second Option Using

There is also another renowned website working as a Kahootalternative which is You can also register there and create your Quiz easily. Below are the steps to follow:

1. Visit their website.

2. After the site loads you have to click on the Sign up option which will take you to the “Sign Up” page. First option you see here is to “Choose Your Occupation”. It has four choices which are Teacher, Student Parent & Other. Please select the relevant one and proceed.

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3. I have selected Sign Up as a teacher and it has taken me to the page which asks for basic details like Username, Email & Password, please fill the information and click “Continue“.

4. At the very next page you will be asked “where do you teach” the options are a School or a University, please select your relevant option, fill in your location and zip code to proceed.

5. Now you are directly signed in, please verify your account by clicking the link in the Email that was sent to you by Quizizz. Now you are a verified member of the site and can easily start creating your quiz. Once you are inside your account, at the left side there is an option, “Create A Quiz

6. When you will click at this button you will be taken to the next page where you can upload an image for your quiz and can add a name to it. I am adding the name “Test Quiz“.

7. This is very user friendly interface, the options now presented are fully customizable, you have the option to add your questions, select two to four answers for each question, each question can include a photo or a short video which you can easily upload.

Moreover there is a timer which will help you assign the time for each question. There are text formatting options available which will further make it more presentable. I personally like the user interface.

8. Now, after adding the questions you have to select the grade, select your subject, select the topic and complete the quiz.

There is a benefit in utilizing this tools that you can see the real time results for each quiz as well as your students, so you know what is going on with the quizzes and its also hard to manipulate.

Now, after walking you through all the setup and drinking two cups of coffee, I think it’s the right time we proceed with our main topic which is Kahoot cheats, Kahoot hacks, game pins and Kahoot cheat codes.

A few things on the internet aren’t vulnerable to hacking and believe me Kahoot isn’t one of them :), Kahoot hacks are remarkably straightforward and easy to execute. After trying many solutions which were claimed to be working.

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I found Kahoot Spam site and this is the only one which is capable of getting you full marks, I have personally given it a try and was surprised as I was able to get full marks many times.

This Kahoot hack is guaranteed to work and you can hack Kahoot by utilizing it. Follow the steps below to proceed and hack your Kahoot:

1. Copy you Kahoot Game Pin which you desire to hack.

2. Then open Kahoot Spam website in your browser which is considered to be the best Kahoot cheats site yet. It will send Spam bots to hack Kahoot and you will be amazed by the results that you will get with the Kahoot Hacks.

3. Now is the time to hack your Kahoot, enter the game pin which you copied, enter your nickname and choose the number of bots that you desire to send to that specific Kahoot.

4. Enter the CAPTCHA by selecting I’m not a robot.

5. After submitting the captcha, click the “Flood” button.

6. Now move back to your targeted Kahoot and you can see that the exact number of bots are already present at your Kahoot.

7. These bots will start answering your questions automatically while you have a cup of coffee :)

Hooray, You have hacked your Kahoot quite easily and successfully and you can get full marks with minimum effort.

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Now I will further explain some more methods of Kahoot hacks, read on to further extend your knowledge. Having a look at the video below will further assist you in understanding the process and how it will work.

1. First, log in to your Kahoot account in the usual way.

2. After logging in please click the following link Moving forth under the connection option, fill in your user-name and select your device (Android, iOS or PC)

3. The Generator Options section contains all the manipulations that you can play with to trick the game. So, Enter a number of SCORES, SERVER RESOURCES, POINTS as per your requirement.

4. Choosing a Server is optional, Edit if you want to or move with the defaults and Press start.

5. Now swap back to the original Kahoot window through which you logged in, at the very beginning of the Hack.

Search On Google:

Unlike other professional exams, you can copy the questions from a Kahoot and it can work in your favor. Copy the question from your Kahoot and search it in Google, these questions are usually very simple and you will be able to find the answers very easily.

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If you are given a time of 1 or 2 minutes for each question, it is more than sufficient for looking up the answer in Google, I tried it and was able to find the answers quite simply.

Copy your complete question and paste it in Google, click enter and you will get the answer in a second.

Get An Elder Involved

Our older siblings or friends usually have more knowledge and awareness than us and they are more likely to know the answers to the questions that we don’t know.

So next time when you have to complete a Kahoot quiz, just get your elder brother, sister or even both involved and you will be able to get great marks.

If a Kahoot is chosen for your final exams, you are in luck, find your sibling who is most educated or has knowledge of many things and get him/her involved with your quiz and I guarantee you that you will be able to score some huge numbers.

Flood Your Kahoot With Huge Number Of Bots

If you haven’t yet been able to figure out the solution to your Kahoot yet, you can get it canceled by flooding it with a huge number of bots.

Visit, enter your Kahoot game pin a nickname and a high number as your number of Spam bots, flood the Kahoot and by virtue of this much amount of bots flooding at once the Kahoot will stop working, even if it doesn’t stop working your teacher will get confused and end this Kahoot to create a new one.

Miss It

If you are very scared of the quiz and you think it will be very hard for you to achieve good marks or the Kahoot is very hard to answer you can simply miss it.

Though we won’t recommend this solution as Kahoots are usually quite easy and you can solve them with paying attention, but if your grades are involved and you don’t want to mess with them its better to avoid it.

You can use many excuses to avoid a Kahoot for instance, you can say your phone or computer was out of order or you didn’t receive the mail as you were without an internet connection.

You can use a number of excuses to miss a Kahoot and it depends on how much your teachers trust you.

Use Different IDs

This is one of the simplest Kahoot cheats, create 3, 4 different IDs on Kahoot and use them to answer your questions, you can choose different answers with these IDs.

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If you are sure about the correct answer choose the same in all 4 IDs but if you aren’t sure about the answer, choose a different answer with each Kahoot ID.

As Kahoot is usually in MCQs format you can select different answers easily. Now the ID which gets the highest marks is your ID and you can simply leave the others. By doing so you will be able to achieve higher marks with flying colors.

Kahoot Cheats

I usually find many Kahoot users looking for Kahoot cheats, hence it has become a very popular term and there are hordes of websites which are making use of this term i.e. Kahoot Chetas but provide nothing.

I have come across a great number of sites which are adverting and even ranking high for the term “Kahoot cheats” but in fact there are no Kahoot Cheats which exist other than the ones I mentioned above.

Winning a Kahoot totally depends on the way you play it or using the above mentioned procedures properly. Kahoot Cheats are just a myth and there isn’t any other Kahoot cheats which we missed in this guide.

Kahoot Game Pins

Kahoot Game Pins are also a myth, this is by far one of the most searched phrase by Kahoot users and they will all love to have Kahoot hacks in the form of pins which help them to solve their Kahoots but beware Kahoot Game Pins aren’t real.

All of us will love to lay our hands upon some working Kahoot Game Pins but after wasting hours on Google searching for these pins, I found nothing and you also won’t.

So forget about the Kahoot game pins for now and wait for someone to release them. I am sure you also searched for these pins and at the end just concluded that it was a waste of time.

Kahoot Codes

The only Kahoot game pin is provided by the official Kahoot site to invite friends to the site or participate in quizzes or surveys, this is the only Pin that I found, all other Kahoot codes which we wish for are just unreal and now you should also stop looking for Kahoot Codes as you aren’t going to have them.

Rest assured guys there isn’t even a single technique that isn’t covered in this guide regarding Kahoot cheats, Kahoot hacks, Kahoot game pins and Kahoot cheat codes.

I have fully researched it before writing this guide, but if by any chance I missed something, please add it in the comments below and I will update it. I hope you like this guide and it helps you save your precious time.

So what do you think about our Kahoot cheats, Kahoot hacks, Kahoot game pins and Kahoot cheat codes guide, please add your thoughts.

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