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How To Seduce A Girl Who Already Has A Boyfriend

If you read the title of this Shogun Method guide and still kept on reading, then I have a message for you:

We get it.

We totally understand. We’re totally NOT judging you. We know where you’re coming from.

Sometimes, the girl of your dreams – “the one” – already taken. And it’s beyond frustrating to think that she might be “off-limits” to you.

So it’s easy to wonder if it’s possible to get her to cheat on her boyfriend, and go with you instead.

Again, we understand. And I got two pieces of good news for you:

  1. Wanting to get a girl to cheat on her boyfriend is NATURAL.
  2. Getting a girl to cheat on her boyfriend is POSSIBLE – but ONLY IF you follow the tips in this guide.

So if you want your best shot at making her choose you, read on.

Table of Contents

  • 2 Is It Ever Okay To Get A Girl To Cheat On Her Boyfriend?
  • 3 How To Pass The “Boyfriend” Test

Is It Ever Okay To Get A Girl To Cheat On Her Boyfriend?

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Now, many guys ask me: “Okay, Derek, I get that it’s NATURAL and POSSIBLE to get a girl to cheat on her boyfriend. But is it ever OKAY? Is it ever ACCEPTABLE?”

The answer is “Yes.” Not only is getting a girl to cheat on her boyfriend OKAY and ACCEPTABLE…

…but it’s even ADVISABLE.

Here’s why:

  1. Her boyfriend doesn’t “own” her. No one does. If someone “owned” her, that would make her a victim of human trafficking now, wouldn’t it?
  2. The best women in the dating game – including the woman in your mind right now – are almost always taken.
  3. If you never pursue taken women, then you’re stuck with the “leftovers” of the dating game. (The ugly, eccentric, or generally low-quality ones.)
  4. Even if the girl of your dreams wanted to break up with her boyfriend, she won’t stay single for long. Either the next guy will swoop in and save her, or she’ll already have another guy lined up.

#4 is the most telling reason. She’ll only leave her boyfriend if she has a better option available.

The key is to BE the better option in her life.

The key is to give her an IRRESISTIBLE REASON to cheat on her boyfriend and pick you, instead.

Let’s take a look at the best ways to do just that.


What It Means When She Says She “Has A Boyfriend”

Let’s say you’re on a date with a woman you like, and she seems to like you too. In fact, when you flirt with her, she flirts right back.

Then, when you try to take things to the next level – you move in for a hug or kiss, or invite her to your place…

…she then tells you: “I have a boyfriend.”

What do you do?

Firstly: Don’t get discouraged like most guys do.

Most guys back off, thinking they’ve just gotten rejected. Or they back off, afraid of her angry boyfriend or social stigma or something else.

Don’t back off. Instead, see the statement “I have a boyfriend” for what it really is – NOT as a rejection, but as a TEST.

And it’s a test she HOPES you pass.

How do we know it’s a test and not a rejection?


  1. If she were really loyal to her boyfriend, she wouldn’t need to bring him up. In fact, she wouldn’t flirt with you in the first place. If she’s truly happy and secure with him, she’d keep things on the “Rapport-building” level with you, and go no further. Yet here you are.
  2. If she told you she “had a boyfriend” right at the beginning of your interaction, THEN it’s a rejection. It’s a sign she doesn’t want to interact with you. The fact that she flirted with you FIRST means it’s NOT a rejection.
  3. In your situation, you talked… you flirted… and THEN she dropped the “boyfriend” challenge on you. She’s not rejecting you – she’s TESTING you.

Why She’s Testing You, And What To Do

Why would she test you?

Two reasons:

  1. Because she wants to see if you’re manlier than her current boyfriend. It takes a real man with balls of steel to “steal” someone’s girl, after all.
  2. Because she’s creating “plausible deniability.” In layman’s terms, she wants YOU to shoulder all responsibility for your tryst.

The second reason – plausible deniability – is her main reason. She wants to make sure that if she did have an affair with you, and people found out, she could say:

“Well, I told him I had a boyfriend, but he pressed on anyway, and things just happened.”

In other words, she’s creating an excuse to cheat on her boyfriend WITHOUT having to be responsible for it.

Sneaky, I know. But that’s how the game is played.

And you can WIN that game if you follow the tips in this guide.

First, let’s take a look at:

How Most Guys Fail The “Test”

Most guys fail the test when they:

  • Apologize for “going too far”
  • Take it as a rejection and end the interaction
  • Creepily try to convince her to keep going anyway

Fail the test, and you lose your chances with her, possibly forever.

So try not to do any of the things above.

And instead, do the following:

READ ALSO: How To Tell If A Girl Likes You At Work

How To Pass The “Boyfriend” Test

The only way to pass the “boyfriend” test is to do something she does NOT expect.

When you do, it’s going to snap her out of her “testing mindset,” and pay close attention to YOU.

She’ll stop playing her little game, and instead gets sucked into YOUR game.

When she tells you she “has a boyfriend,” she’s expecting you to either go away or try to keep going.

You’re going to do neither. Instead, you’ll be doing a Mind Control technique.

You’ll be putting her on an emotional rollercoaster.

Try this:

  1. When she chats and flirts with you, then tells you she has a boyfriend, just say “Right.”
  2. Then you do something else. Turn your back on her, or get another drink, or just continue the conversation.

What you’re doing is faking disinterest. You don’t give her statement any weight or attention, and instead turn the tables on her.

Your perceived disinterest will send wild thoughts running through her mind:

  • “Wait, what did he mean by ‘Right’?”
  • “Did he mean he doesn’t care I have a boyfriend?”
  • “Or is he mocking me? Is he insinuating I’m stuck-up for having a boyfriend?”
  • “Or did I just jump the gun? Did I just show him I liked him, but he really only saw me as a friend?”
  • “Fuck, what is he up to? I MUST find out!”

Congratulations: You’ve successfully put her on an emotional rollercoaster.

Alternative Technique: The Takeaway

Here’s another way to put her on an emotional rollercoaster before she tells you she has a boyfriend.

It’s called the “Takeaway,” and with it, you put her in the friend-zone before she has a chance to do it you.

For instance, when you’ve built enough rapport with her and you’re about to start flirting, tell her:

“I’m having such a great time with you. I’d invite you to my place, but…”

She’ll ask, “But what?”

Then you say: “I guess I’m tired of running around. It’s so much more meaningful when we take things slow. You’re the kind of girl I want to take things slow with. Crazy, I know, but that’s how I feel.”

She’ll then do one of two things:

  1. She’ll take it as a compliment, but she’ll now be fantasizing about you as a potential lover and not just a friend.
  2. She’ll take it as a veiled rejection, and subtly try to change your mind.

Either way, you prevented her from making you chase her, and instead made her feel like SHE was chasing YOU.

You’re now more attractive to her, and the road to making her leave her boyfriend for you just got so much easier.

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Put Her On Emotional Rollercoasters

The longer and more intense the emotional rollercoaster is, the more attracted she’ll be to you…

…and the more willing she’ll do whatever you want, even if she’s already taken.

The emotional rollercoaster is an incredibly powerful Mind Control technique. It gives you the ability to attract any woman you want, anywhere you want, anytime you want.

Best of all? You can learn it today by joining my Online Masterclass on Mind Control.

To learn how to get women to cheat on their boyfriends for you, sign up for my Online Masterclass below:

Request Invite Ticket To Online Masterclass

(NOTE: Please use your best e-mail address when signing up. That’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Online Masterclass.)

So quick recap:

  1. When she flirts with you, and THEN tells you she has a boyfriend, don’t panic. She’s not rejecting or blocking you – she’s TESTING you.
  2. Don’t FAIL the test by giving up or creepily trying to keep flirting.
  3. Instead, snap her out of her game – and thrust her into yours – with an emotional rollercoaster.
  4. Once she’s sufficiently attracted to you, it’s up to you how far you take your new relationship.

But you MUST learn how to put women on emotional rollercoasters. That’s the key to the whole process.

Luckily for you, you can learn it today. Here’s the link to my Online Masterclass again.

Go get ‘er,

P.S: Has a taken woman ever flirted with you? Did you manage to “steal” her, or did you back off? Tell me your story below.